Get to know me

My name is Teagan & I am a coffee lovin' photographer

What if everyone introduced themselves by what they're passionate about? The kind of passion that inspired the little kid in your heart. I'm a photographer and designer who captures true confidence, and brings to life the ideas you could only imagine before.

Creativity and passion reminds you what living is all about. I love to bring the ideas to life imagined by those who don't yet know how to put pen to paper--or in my instance, Graphic Design.

I strive for my work to inspire others, and invite them to explore the possibilities for what we could create together. It's not just about putting pretty pictures on a page or screen; it's about connecting with people through images and designs that reflect their uniqueness.

I started my creative journey with a camera in hand and good friends around me.

My mom lent me her old Canon when I was in high school, and I took senior photos for all my friends. My photography skills grew through college, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Colorado State University. After that, I packed up and moved to West Texas, where I was the Director of Graphic Design for Texas Tech Football for a couple years. 

In my free time, I adventure with my camera, taking photos of couples and friends!

I see inspiration everywhere—it's just a matter of having an eye for it. One day, I would love to lead a team of creatives on their own journeys through mentorship. Mentoring Graphic designers and Photographers is a big passion of mine and something that I'm working on doing a service to offer—Graphic design has led me across the country and been my rock while exploring Colorado as well as building my photography brand. It's also landed me back in Colorado to base my business for Teagan Grace Photography & Design!

I love capturing pure love and passion—whether through the lens or by design! Let's chat about capturing your vision and passion!

My story is no different than yours


learning to make

Lemon Drop  Martini's


the West Wing

No More Anxiety


"Oh Shoot!" Podcast












why not both?

just a few of my favorite things

Once upon a time, I wanted to be a solar meteorologist and a pilot (I know- "What??" Yeah, it didn't last long haha). Then I wanted to start a coffee business... (could still be added to my plan!)

Eventually, I found my way to creatively capturing love and designing passionate ideas for an amazing living lifestyle. The road isn't always clear and mine is far from crystal, but that's the beautiful thing about life. Taking moments throughout the journey to love life and its whirlwind, with the loving people around you--- that is truly what it's all about.  I cant wait to capture your big moments for you. It's gonna be so fun!

My path didn't start with a creative eye... 

A few of my favorite things


Enjoying the moment


Late nights with dessert

Wine baby!



Let's make MAGIC together


Almost there!

I don't mean to brag, but my emails kind of rock. Plus when you sign up you get a free guide on what to wear on your big day!